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How UV Light Affects the Stability of Printouts

It’s recommended to use thermal-transfer printing methods for applications that require immersion in harsh solvents or extreme temperatures. Thermal-transfer printouts are also more stable...

Will 3D Imaging Make 2D Pathology Obsolete?

Histochemical analysis is an integral component of pathology laboratories, providing patients with diagnostic and prognostic information, which is critical for making treatment-related decisions. However,...

New Viruses & Bacteria, Scientists Are Studying in the Melting Arctic Permafrost

Permafrost in the Arctic has come under sharp focus over the last decade as climate change has rapidly increased its thaw rate and consequently...

How to Make the Most of Scientific Conferences

Now that COVID-19 is no longer a global health emergency, in-person meetings are becoming the norm again, thanks to relaxed government regulations and a...

3 Tips for Storing Antibodies

Antibodies are an integral part of biochemistry and medical research; used for a variety of techniques like Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, histochemistry, and flow cytometry,...

How Cloud-Based Analytics Have Transformed Laboratories

Within the last decade, cloud computing has become the standard across many industrial and academic sectors, with numerous companies moving online to reduce costs...

History of Xylene

Xylene is a toxic small molecule that has been an integral component of histology over the last several decades. It is primarily used in...

Vial & Microtube Identification Made Easy

Conical tubes and vials are an essential component of every biomedical lab, used in almost every experiment. These common containers are used throughout laboratories...

The Barcode at 50: Where We Are Now

This year is the 50th anniversary of the first barcode ever scanned. The barcode’s impact is felt worldwide in almost every industry, from healthcare...

ChatGPT & the Growing Influence of AI in Science

Though artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for quite some time, it’s only recently that scientists have begun to incorporate it into their research....

How to Optimize the Re-Identification of Histology Slides for Pathology labs

Hospitals collect tissue samples for a variety of purposes, from providing an accurate diagnosis to determining predictive and prognostic factors associated with a multitude...

The History of Cell Lines in Biological Research

Cell lines are a necessary tool in the arsenal of almost everyone who studies human diseases. Though it remains debatable whether these cell lines...

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Tips for Setting Up a New Research lab

Quick decision-making is essential to starting a new research lab; you’ll need to ensure your space is properly stocked with equipment and...

Maintaining Long-Term Optimization of Lab Workflows

Integrating new strategies for the optimization of lab workflows often takes place in the short term, within a year or so; however,...

How to Track Chemical Libraries for Drug Screening

Chemical screening is an essential tool in early drug development, assisting in the discovery of small molecule therapeutics that would never have been drugs...

4 Tips for Improving Laboratory Workflows

Efficient laboratory workflows are the lynchpin of a well-run lab. When everything is managed smoothly, PhDs, post-docs, associates, and technicians perform their tasks quickly...