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The History of Cell Lines in Biological Research

Cell lines are a necessary tool in the arsenal of almost everyone who studies human diseases. Though it remains debatable whether these cell lines...

How Barcodes & RFID Help Track Animals in the Wild (& the Lab)

Barcodes and radio-frequency identification (RFID) are staples of research facilities, hospitals, and other healthcare institutions, used to identify everything from samples to reagents, patients,...

A Brief History of the Autoclave

The steam autoclave is used ubiquitously throughout the scientific and medical world as one of the most prominent forms of sterilization. Using a powerful...

Bringing Research to Life with 3D Cell Culture

Cell culture is an invaluable tool in biology, drug discovery, cancer research, as well as in the study of stem cells. Currently, most labs...

Bioadhesion & Bioadhesive Polymers

The study of adhesion is essential in the identification industry; this type of research has led to the development of specialized labels that utilize...

Potential Implementation of Blockchain in Academia

Blockchain has emerged as a promising and disruptive technology thanks to its potential to offer verifiable, permanent, and decentralized data handling. While usually associated...

How to Avoid Errors in the Diagnostic Lab

Diagnostic labs process hundreds to thousands of samples daily. These samples are often extremely valuable, containing patient samples that cannot be replaced. Errors during...

Artificial Intelligence in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry has a long tradition of incorporating the latest technology to improve drug discovery and deliver safe, reliable drugs to market faster....

Identifying Biomarkers to Guide Cancer Immunotherapy

Treating cancer with immunotherapy holds great promise. However, this course of treatment has been shown to only work in a subset of cancer patients....

When Should You Publish Your Research Data?

Publications are the backbone of many laboratories; they’re necessary in academia to obtain grant funding, and pharmaceutical companies rely on publications to validate their...

Genomic Platforms & Translational Medicine

Genomic platforms and databases have become integral parts of genome informatics, enjoying exponential growth in the post-genomic era. A variety of platforms know exist,...

De-Identification Best Practices for Diagnostic Samples

Patient health data is an essential component of medical research. Clinical trials depend on accurate data obtained from patient databases to analyze and interpret...

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How Scientists are Bringing Extraterrestrial Research to the Lab

Aliens used to be considered merely science fiction, found in books and movies but never considered part of everyday life. However, signs...

Tips for Troubleshooting Barcode Scanners

Various issues can occur when scanning barcodes in the lab, from obtaining inaccurate scans to simply being unable to turn on your...

Tips for Writing Better Scientific Articles

It may sound cliché for a writer to write tips on how to write, but with many years of experience in the...

How to Digitize Lab Notebooks

Many researchers across the globe are currently sitting on a treasure trove of laboratory notebooks, copiously filled with experimental protocols and priceless...