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Candy Coated Pills Add Extra Layer of Security

The administration of substandard medication adversely affects the health of millions of individuals worldwide and costs the healthcare industry an estimated $200 billion annually....

Carbon Capture Technology & Converting CO2 into Something Useful

Carbon capture technology has been around for a while, with new advancements being developed to help combat climate change. Carbon capture and storage is...

The Most Innovative Ways Scientists are Integrating RFID into their Labs

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) has quickly become the trendy new method of identification in bioscience and pharmaceutical labs. While most have adapted RFID labels and...

Implementing Automation in the Clinical Laboratory

Automation is an emerging trend in the healthcare field that has the potential to positively impact patient service, lab productivity, and staff safety. In...

RFID Boosts Electronic Witnessing System Capabilities in IVF Clinics

Artificial reproduction technology (ART) facilities and in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics rely on a host of measures to prevent mix-ups from occurring. The most...

4 Cost-Effective Ways to Simplify Label Peeling & Application

Sample identification is an important step throughout all laboratory processes. However, just like pipetting, picking up labels from their liners and applying them to...

Tips for Implementing a New RFID System

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is an upcoming technology that more and more labs are beginning to utilize to maximize productivity and eliminate errors. RFID technology...

Implementing RFID Technology in Healthcare

The integration of radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology in the healthcare sector has shown that administrators believe RFID has the power to improve tracking and...

At-home Diagnostic Kits: Growing Trends

The at-home testing kit market is expected to reach $8M by 2028, with high competition in the market, as well as the convenience and...

How Advanced Labeling Technologies Make Pharmaceutical Supply Chains Run Smoother

Pharmaceutical supply chains are tightly regulated; they must be in order to pass FDA inspection and maintain high productivity levels. Because of such tight...

In Vitro Diagnostic Devices & Their Labeling Requirements

In recent years, the use of in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDDs) has increased, necessitating improved regulations and requirements. However, because they differ slightly from...

Diagnosing Pain & Opioid Prescriptions

The sensation of pain is a subjective feeling that can vary between individuals but has objective roots, tied to a profound evolutionary response. Pain...

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How Scientists are Bringing Extraterrestrial Research to the Lab

Aliens used to be considered merely science fiction, found in books and movies but never considered part of everyday life. However, signs...

Tips for Troubleshooting Barcode Scanners

Various issues can occur when scanning barcodes in the lab, from obtaining inaccurate scans to simply being unable to turn on your...

Tips for Writing Better Scientific Articles

It may sound cliché for a writer to write tips on how to write, but with many years of experience in the...

How to Digitize Lab Notebooks

Many researchers across the globe are currently sitting on a treasure trove of laboratory notebooks, copiously filled with experimental protocols and priceless...