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The Omicron Variant: What’s Different This Time?

A few months ago, a new COVID-19 variant of concern was identified in South Africa that has since changed the disease landscape throughout the...

Addressing Lab Supply Shortages During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the omicron variant spreading worldwide like wildfire, supply chains are at severe risk of a slowdown, as workers have become increasingly affected by...

The Effect of Omicron on the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain & How New Identification Technologies Can Help

The recent surge in COVID-19 omicron variant cases represents one of the biggest challenges to the pharmaceutical supply chain. A massive uptick in cases...

Diagnostic Kits: Uses & Future Trends

In vitro diagnostic tests have made it possible to accurately identify the specific microorganisms that cause disease and to perform additional testing to guide treatment selection....

Addressing the Challenges of Sample Identification in CAR T Cell Therapy

Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CAR T) technology, also known as adoptive autologous immunotherapy, has been around for nearly 20 years. While CAR T...

The Growth of Veterinary Diagnostics & Future Trends

The use of veterinary diagnostics is growing, fueled by the need to control and prevent diseases and to better understand the creatures we depend...

The Future of Digital Histology

Histology is the study of tissue at the microscopic level, widely used to diagnose disease by pathologists. This traditionally involves thin specimens cut from...

The Benefits of Outfitting Your Lab with a Customized RFID Solution

For labs that depend on speed and accuracy to scan large inventories, RFID represents a drastic improvement over most conventional labeling methods. Originally conceived...

The Top Applications for AI in Medical Diagnostics

Artificial Intelligence (AI), image recognition AI in particular, has the potential to revolutionize medical diagnostics. By 2023, the AI medical imaging market is projected...

The Evolution of Animal Cloning

Beyond the general sci-fi concept, artificial cloning can be defined in several ways. It can refer to making an identical copy of a cell’s...

Sample Identification for Immunohistochemistry

A cornerstone of the pathologist’s toolkit, immunohistochemistry (IHC) is an essential diagnostic procedure that uses polyclonal antibodies to determine the tissue distribution of proteins...

Biospecimen Labeling & How it Will Help Your Lab Effectively Track Data

Proper biospecimen labeling in biorepositories, biobanking, or research labs is critical, especially when conducting clinical studies that link clinical data to biospecimen analysis. Confusing,...

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How Scientists are Bringing Extraterrestrial Research to the Lab

Aliens used to be considered merely science fiction, found in books and movies but never considered part of everyday life. However, signs...

Tips for Troubleshooting Barcode Scanners

Various issues can occur when scanning barcodes in the lab, from obtaining inaccurate scans to simply being unable to turn on your...

Tips for Writing Better Scientific Articles

It may sound cliché for a writer to write tips on how to write, but with many years of experience in the...

How to Digitize Lab Notebooks

Many researchers across the globe are currently sitting on a treasure trove of laboratory notebooks, copiously filled with experimental protocols and priceless...