
Addressing the Challenges of Sample Identification in CAR T Cell Therapy

Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CAR T) technology, also known as adoptive autologous immunotherapy, has been around for nearly 20 years. While CAR T...

Re-Labeling with Confidence in the Laboratory

Labeling in the lab is important to ensure your samples, specimens, reagents, and buffers are all accurately identified. However, the information on these labels...

Sample Identification for Immunohistochemistry

A cornerstone of the pathologist’s toolkit, immunohistochemistry (IHC) is an essential diagnostic procedure that uses polyclonal antibodies to determine the tissue distribution of proteins...

Biospecimen Labeling & How it Will Help Your Lab Effectively Track Data

Proper biospecimen labeling in biorepositories, biobanking, or research labs is critical, especially when conducting clinical studies that link clinical data to biospecimen analysis. Confusing,...

Veterinary Labels & Animal Healthcare Labeling

Labeling for animal healthcare can encompass various areas, such as animal housing, husbandry, veterinary care, and diagnostics. Depending on if your labeling equipment, surgical...

Breakthrough Innovations in DYMO-Compatible Lab Labels

Labels for DYMO printers are a popular choice in labs for their low cost, requiring no added ribbons, toners, or inks for printing. DYMO®...

A Brief Guide to Glove-Friendly Labeling in the Lab

Labeling is performed daily, with large experiments sometimes requiring hundreds of sample tubes, each of which must be identified appropriately. Most laboratory personnel must...

A Safer Way to Administer Medication Starts with Improving Identification

Did you know that a simple change in the design of medication bag labels such as IV or blood bags can decrease medication errors? Labels...

6 Handy Solutions for Handwriting Labels in Your Lab

This blog may be controversial. If you are a subscriber of our blog, you already know about our contempt for handwritten labeling. They are...

Exciting Innovation for 2D-Barcoded Tubes: PinTAG (Patent Pending)

Laboratories, biobanks, and biorepositories are increasingly using 2D-barcoded tubes to store their valuable samples in ultra-low temperature freezers and liquid nitrogen tanks. These cryo...

How to Improve Lab Sustainability & Energy Efficiency

There are various ways labs can improve their operations, increase inventory management reliability, reduce costs, and help ensure their experiments’ reproducibility. Improving your lab's...

Identifying Evidence in the Forensic Chain of Custody

Mishandled, misplaced, mislabeled, lost, or destroyed evidence can be responsible for letting criminals go free or convicting innocent defendants. With the stakes as high...

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How Scientists are Bringing Extraterrestrial Research to the Lab

Aliens used to be considered merely science fiction, found in books and movies but never considered part of everyday life. However, signs...

Tips for Troubleshooting Barcode Scanners

Various issues can occur when scanning barcodes in the lab, from obtaining inaccurate scans to simply being unable to turn on your...

Tips for Writing Better Scientific Articles

It may sound cliché for a writer to write tips on how to write, but with many years of experience in the...

How to Digitize Lab Notebooks

Many researchers across the globe are currently sitting on a treasure trove of laboratory notebooks, copiously filled with experimental protocols and priceless...