Biobanks Aim to Accelerate Health Research in Quest to Treat & Cure Disease

Biobanks have become an essential tool in the fight to improve healthcare outcomes via basic and clinical research. They can be classified into two...

5 Ways to Protect Your Biobank’s Samples & Data When Disaster Strikes

Disasters can take many forms. Not every disaster is an earthquake or hurricane. Often, small floods, fires, temporary power outages, theft, and yes, even...

7 Factors to Consider when Implementing Biobank LIMS Software

Biobanks must store high-quality biospecimen collected from sick and healthy donors, along with their associated clinical data such as demographic information, personal medical history,...

9 Common Labeling Pitfalls to Avoid in the Lab

There are many ways to label samples in the lab, though some of these may not be particularly efficient. Here, we’ll review common labeling...

5 Tips for Cleaning the Lab

Though scientists are exceptionally smart and resourceful people, they aren’t always the neatest. I’ve walked into many labs where the area around the weigh...

Tips for Making Your Lab More Organized

Working in the lab can be both creatively inspiring, allowing you the ultimate freedom to plan, execute, and test your own experimental theories, and...

How to Improve Communication in the Lab

When working in a lab, you should be as clear as possible with the person you’re communicating with, whether it’s the undergraduate student you’re...

Having Problems Reading Your Barcodes? Here’s How to Fix It

Barcodes are integral to your daily workflow, whether you’re a business, laboratory, or healthcare institution. For many businesses, they help track and trace inventory;...

Don’t Ignore Lab Security: Protecting Your Samples and Data

Lab security is critical no matter what kind of lab you work in. Medical labs need to keep patient identities confidential, while pharmaceutical labs...

Tips for Dealing with the Stress of Working in a Busy Lab

When working in a lab, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by excessive workloads. Clinical labs are regularly inundated with patient specimens, while biomedical research...
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How Scientists are Bringing Extraterrestrial Research to the Lab

Aliens used to be considered merely science fiction, found in books and movies but never considered part of everyday life. However, signs...

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Various issues can occur when scanning barcodes in the lab, from obtaining inaccurate scans to simply being unable to turn on your...

Tips for Writing Better Scientific Articles

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How to Digitize Lab Notebooks

Many researchers across the globe are currently sitting on a treasure trove of laboratory notebooks, copiously filled with experimental protocols and priceless...