Home Laboratory Lab Management

Lab Management

4 Tips for Improving Laboratory Workflows

Efficient laboratory workflows are the lynchpin of a well-run lab. When everything is managed smoothly, PhDs, post-docs, associates, and technicians perform their tasks quickly...

3 Ways Labels Make Your Lab More Secure

Lab security is important for every kind of lab, from medical labs, which need to keep patient identities confidential, to pharmaceutical labs that face...

Going Green: Does Using -70°C Affect Sample Storage

Ultra-low temperature storage is a staple of laboratory life. Nearly every scientist leans on safe and protected long-term sample storage afforded by lab freezers,...

4 Tips for Managing & Maintaining Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Freezer maintenance is one of the most critical aspects of laboratory management, with so much riding on the various samples stored for long periods...

How to Prevent Burnout in the Lab

Burnout is a potential issue in any work environment, especially the lab. It has far-ranging consequences on employee safety and work productivity due to...

Effectively Brainstorming in the Lab

Brainstorming as a group is one of the most recognized methods of generating new ideas. From high school and university to the highest levels...

5 Proven Strategies for Optimizing Laboratory Practices

Laboratories, whether engaged in medical research, quality control, or academic exploration, all share a fundamental need for clarity, precision, and adherence to rigorous standards....

How Labels Can Help Fill Efficiency Gaps in the Lab

In order to address efficiency gaps in the lab, innovation is necessary to increase productivity while minimizing errors. There are four different kinds of...

How Cloud-Based Analytics Have Transformed Laboratories

Within the last decade, cloud computing has become the standard across many industrial and academic sectors, with numerous companies moving online to reduce costs...

How to Optimize label Quality When Using Laser Printers

High print quality is essential for laboratory identification systems; it ensures that all barcode labels are accurately and consistently read, preventing errors and ensuring...

Vial & Microtube Identification Made Easy

Conical tubes and vials are an essential component of every biomedical lab, used in almost every experiment. These common containers are used throughout laboratories...

How to Match The Right Thermal-Transfer Printer Ribbon With Your Labels

Thermal-transfer printing is an essential tool for all laboratories and healthcare facilities that require accurate and consistent sample and inventory identification. When deciding to...

Most Read

Error Correction Levels in Barcodes: What You Need to Know

To ensure robustness, some 2D barcodes are equipped with “error correction,” a...

How to Select the Right Barcode Scanner

Barcode scanners serve as the main transfer point between barcode labels and the computers that decode them....

How to Manage Work-Life Balance as a Scientist

A healthy work-life balance is one of the hardest feats to achieve in science. It might seem like a difficult task to...

GA International & DYMO® S’Unissent pour Améliorer l’Étiquetage en Laboratoire

Dans l’environnement dynamique des laboratoires, un étiquetage précis n’est pas un simple avantage, c’est une nécessité. Que vous manipuliez des produits chimiques,...